Evonik agreed to sell its clear acrylicsheet unit to Advent International for €3bn in March.
EVONIK The chemicals put up for sale its methacrylates plastics business, which makes clear acrylicsheet and precursor chemicals.
PSC, which employs 115 people, is engaged in the production and sale of acrylic resin and extruded acrylicsheet.
Chief Executive Klaus Engel said last month that larger takeovers were an option for the maker of feed additives, clear acrylicsheet and high-tech plastics.
Its Industrial products include titanium dioxide, liquid batteries for cars, plastic sheets and acrylicsheets.
Ús de acrylic glass en anglès
Evonik makes battery chemicals, animal feed additives, acrylicglass and super-absorbents for diapers.
RAG owns 75 percent of Evonik, which makes battery chemicals, animal feed additives, acrylicglass and super-absorbents for diapers.
I survey it from the tremendous observation car, all sleekly sculpted acrylicglass and shiny metal, like it's been made out of old Cadillacs.
Thanks to a display of poolside acrylicglasses, the view of the front of the store wasn't perfect, but it was plenty good.